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Download LGBTQ guides such as name and gender marker change guide, Western PA Health Directory, RE-FRESH (A CMA Alternative), Central Outreach resources, facilities and services in Pittsburgh and Washington, PA, and more!

Pride Express Condom Distribution Request Form 

Click Here

Name and Gender Marker Change Guide, CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF PITTSBURGH

Preparation For The Approval of Gender Affirmation Surgery

Western PA GLBTQ Health Directory 2020

LGBTQ Resources in the Pittsburgh Area AND Washington County

Document by Brian Wilson.

This document details LGBTQ friendly providers and services in the areas that our facility services. Should you need any further help or information, please contact our offices directly.

Download Now

LGBTQ Survey

Please consider taking the survey below! The anonymous information gathered helps Washington County to understand the needs of their LGBTQ population!

Click Here

Introducing RE-FRESH

Re-Fresh is a CMA (Crystal Meth Anon) alternative. 
The Re-Fresh group aims to create a safe and welcoming place for gay men who are interested in building healthy relationships and friendships. 
In a progressive series of meetings, the group will bond over food and outings in the region. 
The group will be going on hikes, camping, rafting, kayaking, amusement parks, museums, and other fun activities. 

First Meeting: Sunday June 24th 
12 PM to 5 PM
Central Outreach Wellness Center 
127 Anderson Street, Suite 101
Pittsburgh, pa 15212

Future Dates/ Location TBD 

July 15th, July 29th, August 5th, August 19th

Please visit our Facebook page for up-to-date information.

LGBTQ+ resources near me in Aliquippa, PA, for mental health and wellness support.


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